Have you ever updated an item in your knowledge base only to realize later that was accidentally removed an important paragraph? Knowledge Base Software version PHPKB
keeps a history of all your items. It really helps you get protection from accidental changes to an article and to roll back to a previous versions of an article
whenever required. Some Knowledgebase documents go through a number of revisions before the final document takes Become and it is important to keep Vaak These different
versions in order to ascertain the development of the final document. Since the release of 6.0, PHPKB Zorge document
cheap louis vuitton bags versioning feature. Typically when you save a
document in other programs, eg in a word processor, the previous version is overwritten - Unless you save it with a new name every time. In PHPKB Knowledge Base
Software, all knowledgebase articles (documents) are draft versions, meaning dat Whenever y